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- skontaktuj się z nami albo z którymś z parterów biorących udział w programie,
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- lub odwiedź jeden z poniższych linków
Partnerzy programu:
Organizacje oferujące pomoc przy wypaleniu zawodowym
AmbulaTORY, Coaching, Consultancy
- ESBC – European Systemic Business Competences: Trainers und Coaches, with long experienced international leading positions.(Leadership Competence Development ,Trainings, Team- and Single-Coachings, Extern Mentoring)
- ESBA – European Systemic Business Acadamy: most comprehensive coaching education of the German-speaking area with competence certification ISO 17024 and international stuff
- IBG Innovative corporate health management (occupational health, workplace health promotion, EAP
- Institut Frauensache: women-specific psychotherapy, counseling and coaching: Mag. Sabine Fabach
- Health Consult – Society for preventive medicine, occupational health, occupational medicine, occupational health care)
- Mag. Peter Binder, MMSc, Coach, consultant, trainer, burnout prevention
- Dr. Ines Mader, MSc: Individual- , group- and team-coaching, burnout prevention, management consulting in cinical research
Clinic – Treatment
- Kurhotel Pirawarth: specialized rehab services for burnout victims.
- Pro mente Rehabilitation: specialized rehab services for people who are affected by mental illness.
- Privatklinik – St. Radegund: rehabilitation for people with mental disorders; depression, anxiety, burnout, mental crises
- AMEOS- Klinik Badaussee: Bio-psycho-social, multimodal and multi-method treatment concept for psychosomatic desease
- Psychosomatisches Zentrum Waldviertel – Klinik Eggenburg: Rehabilitation for people with mental disorders and psychosomatic desease
Links to Burnout and Stress
- Science, information, consultance
- Information, prevention
- Platform for information about stress und burnout
- Austrian network workplace health promotion
- Austrian health platform
Employee Assistance Program:
- EAP- Institut: innovative, sustainable support for your employees, cost reduction by reducing the downtime costs
- ICAS: a leading provider of external employee asstistance programme (EAP) and advises more than 4,5 million people.
Great Britain
Organisations and websites
- Health and Safety Executive
- Channel 4 Health and Well-being Programmes
- International stress management association
- No Panic
- Stress Release
- Managing Sickness Absence
- Citizens advice bureau
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association
Charities and Therapists
- NHS Choices
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (NHS Programme)
- British Wheel of Yoga
- British Medical Acupuncture School
- British Complimentary Medicine Society
- Mental Health charity MIND
- Mid Out for Mental Health
- Samaritans
- British Red Cross
Websites and resources
- Resources for those seeking to find information about aspects of Teacher Mental Health
- Royal College of Psychiatrists for signposting to relevant guidance and practical tools on work related mental health
- Business Balls (principles, ideas, methods and theory for stress reduction and improving wellbeing in the workplace, for employers and employees)
- (a global HR community) blog post
- Investors in People Health and Wellbeing Framework
- Research into a framework for managing teams in ways that will enhance engagement and well-being, and prevent and reduce stress.
Collegamenti su Burnout e Stress
- PSICOLOGIA DEL LAVORO – portale che si occupa di fornire formazione e strumenti di lavoro…
- COACHING EMOZIONALE – formazione aziendale: come programmare le emozioni
- CTO- GROUP – azienda di comunicazione tecnologica
- AZIENDA ASL ROMA H – azienda sanitaria
- CAREERNEWS.IT – informazioni su formazione e lavoro familiari
consulenza e coaching
- CAIMI STUDIO – Coaching & Professional Training
- LENOVYS – società di consulenza e formazione specializzata in Lean Transformations
- STEFANO LAURIA – ricercatore, coaching della chiarezza
- MASSIMO BANDINELLI – Life & Executive coach
pratiche di coaching per il burnout
- MINDFULNESS – associazione che si occupa di esperienze di mindfulness
- PSICOPOLIS – psicologia di gruppo & comunità
AmbulaTORY, Coaching, Consultancy
- Pomoc Psychologiczna „Swoją Drogą”
- BenMed – Centrum Psychoterapii
- MindMed Instytut Badań i Psychoterapii
- Ośrodek Psychoterapii i Rozwoju Osobistego JESTEM
- JC Coaching
- Ośrodki Terapii Uzależnień „Terapie od Zaraz”